Hindi Films

तेरियाको नाम अनि नेपालको शान !यस्तो थियो (भिडियो)

Unknown | 02:00 | 0 comments

Teriya Magar is a a 11-year-old girl from Rupandehi district of Nepal bordering Uttar Pradesh, who was win the final of Dance India Dance L’il Masters-3 on Zee TV. Teriya’s performances on that dance reality show had not just impressed to the judges but they also have turned her into a celebrity in her own country. A Nepali girl has made the country proud and people want to see her as a dancing superstar therefore Nepalese foreign community are recruiting her every month in different countries across the globe. In this show, she is performing live in Korea where the she has selected the old Nepali filmy song just to expose her as a rock dancer.


पुरा भिडियो हेर्न तलको बक्समा क्लिक गर्नु होला
