Hindi Films

एउटा महान् मुसाको कथा, जसलाई देखेर रून्छ तपाइको मन...(फोटोसहित)

Unknown | 03:39 | 0 comments

पुरा भिडियो हेर्न तलको बक्समा क्लिक गर्नु होला
Tragic-moment-white-mouse-tries-rescue-mouse-jaws-giant-snakeA mou$e has proved that there is feeling of friendship in other animal tool like that in human. In the time where the human is lo$!ng their humanity this little creature has shown the indef!n@ble and uncond!tion@l s!ght of friendship. And this de*ed of his is apprec!@ble and prai$eworthy. The possible attempting of this mou$e to separated it from the trap of the snake has made everyone st@rtled. The eff*ort of the mou$e to save his friend who is in the mouth of snake is so pa!nful and pra!$e wor*thy.
A green snake has made a mou$e its prey but seeing the mou$e getting into the mouth of the snake the another mouse does it best to get the mou$e out from the mouth of snake. It step at the snake head and try to p*ull out its friend as much as possible. But then after the many atte*mpt of that little mou$e at last the snake finally fin!shed its friends. After the mouse couldn’t save its friend it ran from the area to save its own life. But unfortun@tely the another hun*gry snake at the place it chose to h!de gulp it at once.
This inc!dent has been shown in the pictures below.

पुरा भिडियो हेर्न तलको बक्समा क्लिक गर्नु होला
