Interesting fact of women Breast
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Women brst are the main organ to stimlate or leads to bring curiosity in man for s^x. There are plenty of research about the women's brst and one of the research proved that gazing at girls brst is beneficial to health. It won't be otherwise if we say a man spend his most of the time to watch the women chest and other parts of body.
महिला स्तनका रहस्यहरु हेर्नुहोस यो भिडियोमा
-According to sxiologist Breast org^sms exist.
Many researcher found that women's nipple stimulate her up to gen*tal action through her brain. a classic study of 213 women, 29 percent of the females reported experiencing a n!pple-gasm where new t!t!llating technique applied.
L!ck and k!ss every centimeter of her breasts and follow with light fingert!p caresses, leaving her ni!ples until last. “C^p your hand over one brst at a time so that the tip of her n!ple rests in between your thumb and your !ndex finger. Squeeze the fingers together so that you raise her n!ple slightly and l!ck it with the t!p of your tongue,” Cadell says.
To enhance her arous^l, Cadell suggests keeping an ice cuube in your mouth. “Wrapping her eyes in a blindfold will heighten her sensation even more,” says Emily Morse, sxolog!st and host of Sx With Emily podcast. Most importantly, be patient. While Cadell says it should hopefully take under 20 minutes, every woman is different and her response time will vary. One may be bigger It is prove that woman's left brst is slightly bigger than right one.A Turkish study suggests that the left side of her body has a higher immune hypersensitivity, a factor that impacts hormones such as estrogen that control brst shape and size.
Average weight of women's brst is 0.5 kilogram.And it contain 4 to 5 percent fat of whole body and keep increasing as the growth of age as well.
-Women's brst become larger than actual when they are in anger -It will be beneficial for women to keep open her brst while sleeping.It reduce to have brst cancer as report says.
-According to survey 70% of women are not satisfied with their own brst size and shape.
-Poor man usually likes big bubs of the women survey said.
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Category: health