Hindi Films

फ्रान्समा पुनः एकपटक आतंककारी हमला! हेर्नुहोस् हमला पछिका तस्बिरहरु

Unknown | 01:01 | 0 comments

फ्रान्सको नीसमा आतंककारी हमलापछि सार्वजनिक भएका तस्बिरहरु निकै भयावह छन् । यी तस्बिरहरुमा आतंकको क्रुरतालाई एकपटक फेरी संसार सामू ल्याउने काम भएको छ ।
फ्रान्समा पुनः एकपटक आतंककारी हमला भएको हो । फ्रान्सको नीसमा आतंककारीले भीडमाथि ट्रकले हमला गरेका हुन् । जसमा कम्तीमा पनि ८० मानिसहरुको मृत्यु भइसकेको छ भने १२० भन्दा बढी मानिसहरु घाइते भएको बताइन्छ । यद्यपी, फ्रान्सका राष्ट्रपती फ्रान्स्वा ओलांदले ७७ मानिसहरुको मृत्यु भएको पुष्टि गरेका छन् ।
france attack (1)france attack (2)france attack (3)france attack (4)france attack (5)france attack (6)france attack (7)france attack (8)france attack (9)france attack (10)france attack (11)france attack (12)france attack (13)
Nice Attack. All images taken without permission from the account holder
Nice Attack. All images taken without permission from the account holder
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY OR DEATH - A body is seen on the ground July 15, 2016 after at least 30 people were killed in Nice, France, when a truck ran into a crowd celebrating the Bastille Day national holiday July 14. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
ATTENTION EDITORS – VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY OR DEATH – A body is seen on the ground July 15, 2016 after at least 30 people were killed in Nice, France, when a truck ran into a crowd celebrating the Bastille Day national holiday July 14. 
